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Dive into a meticulously crafted virtual representation of Virginia’s iconic Shenandoah landscape, where art, technology, and nature converge to offer an unparalleled immersive experience


In the rapidly evolving digital landscape, there’s a growing need for immersive experiences that resonate deeply with users. Traditional digital mediums, while effective, often lack the depth and engagement that modern audiences seek. Additionally, with the rise of technologies like VR, there’s a gap between the potential of these platforms and their actual utilization in creating meaningful, transformative experiences. More


Robert Ooghe, with his extensive background in digital strategy and a passion for 3D digital art and VR, embarked on the Shenandoah Project. This endeavor meticulously recreates the Shenandoah natural bridge in Unreal Engine, merging cutting-edge technology with artistic vision. By leveraging the power of Unreal Engine, photogrammetry, and a deep understanding of environmental art, Robert has crafted an experience that’s not just visually stunning but also emotionally resonant.


By exploring Robert’s digital environment of the Shenandoah natural bridge, you’re witnessing more than just technical prowess. This project demonstrates a deep understanding of how to harness advanced technologies like Unreal Engine for meaningful applications. Such expertise can be transformative across industries, from real estate visualizations to interactive education. Dive into this digital realm and see a blend of artistry and innovation that can redefine user experiences in the modern digital age.


1. Inspiration

In 2018, inspired by the potential of spatial computing and VR, I delved into environmental art with CGMA. Their creation, called the Shenandoah Vision, draws inspiration from Terrence Malick's "THE…

2. Discovering Tools

In the creation of the Shenandoah digital environment, I utilized various tools for optimal results. LIDAR, ZBrush, and Reality Capture were central to the project, contributing to the capture, refinement,…

3. ZBrush Skills

A key challenge in this project was devising a way to integrate LIDAR terrain data with what would be human scaled space in Unreal. To be clear, the CGMA class…

4. GlobalMapper and Heightmaps

GlobalMapper became my go-to for geospatial data processing. It allowed me to extract heightmap data from satellite imagery, ensuring that the Shenandoah digital environment was grounded in real-world topography. I…

5. GAEA and Terrain Masks

Another important tool that helped me with this project was QuadSpinner's Gaea software, which I highly recommend. This procedural terrain tool was hands down one of my favorite experiences with…

6. Textures, Detailing and Quixel Megascans

Before I incorporated DSLR photography in my texturing process, I worked a lot with Quixel megascans in a workflow with Zbrush. One technique I found handy was to import a…

7. Influential Figures and Resources

Throughout this project, I've tried to keep track of the other artists and instructors whose online tutorials and publically available projects were a great help in my development. In addition…

8. Grove3D: Procedural Tree Growth

I don't know what the future of the industry for representing tree growth is, but I hope Unreal is aware of Wybren van Keulen's extremely useful Blender plugin Grove3d. But…

9. Proceduralism in Unreal

Having discussed Grove3d, I'd like to take a step back to describe how proceduralism, the trend towards tools capable of dynamically creating assets based on sets of rules, influenced my…

10. Fluid Dynamics: Simulating Water

The post discusses the evaluation of four different tools meant for creating water bodies in the Unreal Engine: Unreal Water System, Ultimate River Tool, FluidNinja Live, and FluidFlux. Each offers…

11. Lighting: Lumen and Ultimate Sky

Lumen, along with other features of Unreal Engine 5, was first introduced to the public by Epic Games in May 2020. Lumen is a fully dynamic global illumination solution that…

12. Refining Geometry

The more I worked with my Natural Bridge geometry from RealityCapture, the more tempted I was to remake it. I realized that I could take the entire bridge, and slice…

13. Cave Systems

In designing the Shenandoah digital environment, emphasis was placed on expanding the experience via subterranean exploration. Authenticity was achieved through careful research of regional geological features and ecosystems. The use…

14. Flora: Low Vegetation and Plant Life

Having filled the gamespace with my trees from Grove3d, my Oak, Hophorn, Pawpaw and Sycamore mixes of trees in both PFG and large Grove3d blocks, I moved on to grasses…

15. Houdini: Enhancing Proceduralism

The author shared their journey using Houdini's procedural generation in the creation of a digital environment, the Shenandoah. The author emphasized the benefits of proceduralism in crafting varied, realistic structures,…

16. LumaAI and NeRF

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 NeRF stands for Neural Radiance Fields, a type of artificial neural network used to create 3D models from a set of 2D images. It works by learning the color…

18. Future Directions

As the engine and technology progress, I am committed to advancing the project in tandem. Current aspirations include: Enhanced Procedural Generation: I aim to delve deeper into Procedural Generated Content…